BE/942855/704 Archive August Vanistendael, 1950-1996 (Archief)

Hiërarchische presentatie

Information on identification

Ref. code:BE/942855/704
Title:Archive August Vanistendael
Archival type:archief
Creation date(s), details:1950-1996

Information on extent

Extent:12,7 strekkende meter

Information on context

Name of the creator / provenance:August Vanistendael (1917-2003)
Authority link:August Vanistendael (1917-2003)
Acquisition:A first part of the archive of August Vanistendael was deposed at KADOC on different instances in the early 1990s. Extensive additions were transferred to KADOC early 1999.

Information on content and structure

Content:The archival records do not so much refer to Vanistendael's trade union career, but above all to the positions he held from 1960, in particular to his activities in the field of development cooperation. For example, extensive and well-documented files are available about the organizations Humanum and Cooperation and Solidarity (creation of scholarships for Third World students, also the assignment of the organization Promotio Humana), about numerous contacts in developing countries, with Belgian and foreign Third World organizations. (Misereor, Adveniat, NCOS, Broederlijk Delen, etc.), with the ecclesiastical hierarchy, etc. Hundreds of contacts with, among others, project managers, trade union leaders, intellectuals from the Third World, financiers and development workers resulted in an impressive amount of correspondence.
In addition, several collections shed light on Vanistendael's commitment to Justitia et Pax and his frequent contacts with organizations such as Amnesty International, Pax Christi, Oxfam, Kerk In Nood-Oostpriesterhulp, etc., his assignment to and contacts with KU Leuven and his membership of the Council. of Advice for Development Cooperation.

Conditions of access and use

Access regulations:The archive is accessible with permission.
To file a request for permission, fill in verzoekformulier.
Note clearly de numbers of the dossiers/boxes from the inventory that you wich to consult.
Finding aid file:Plaatsingslijst van het archief August Vanistendael


Items:  maatschappelijk leven (Subjects\M)
  levensbeschouwing (Subjects\L)
  Caritas Catholica Belgica (1932-heden) (Organizations\C)
  Oxfam België (1964-) (Organizations\O)
  vredesbeweging (Subjects\V)
  christelijke arbeidersbeweging (Subjects\C)
  ontwikkelingslanden (Subjects\O)
  ontwikkelingssamenwerking (Subjects\O)
  internationale organisatievormen (Subjects\I)

Gerelateerde beschrijvingen

Gerelateerde beschrijvingen:BE/942855/495 Archief Pax Christi België/Vlaanderen, 1948-2004 (Archief)

BE/942855/757 Archief Internationaal Christelijk Vakverbond (ICV)/Wereldverbond van de Arbeid (WVA), 1919-2006 (Deelarchief)

BE/942855/757 Archive of the International Federation of Christian Trade Unions (IFCTU)/World Confederation of Labour (WCL), 1919-2006 (Deelarchief)

gebruikt voor:
BE/942855/261 Archive European Organisation of the International Federation of Christian Trade Unions / World Confederation of Labour (EO-IFCTU / WCL), 1958-1974 (Archief)

BE/942855/1689 Archief Netwerk Rechtvaardigheid en Vrede Vlaanderen, 1973-1999 (Archief)

BE/942855/374 Archief Kerk in Nood - Oostpriesterhulp, 1970-1990 (Archief)


Toestemming vereist:Bewaargever / archiefvormer
Raadpleegbaarheid:Without restrictions

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