BE/942855/757 Archive of the International Federation of Christian Trade Unions (IFCTU)/World Confederation of Labour (WCL), 1919-2006 (Deelarchief)

Hiërarchische presentatie

Information on identification

Ref. code:BE/942855/757
Title:Archive of the International Federation of Christian Trade Unions (IFCTU)/World Confederation of Labour (WCL)
Archival type:archief
Creation date(s), details:1919-2006

Information on extent

Extent:251,1 meters

Information on context

Name of the creator / provenance:Wereldverbond van de Arbeid / Confédération Mondiale du Travail / World Confederation of Labour / Weltverband der Arbeit/ Confederación Mundial del Trabajo / (1920-2006)
Authority link:Wereldverbond van de Arbeid / Confédération Mondiale du Travail / World Confederation of Labour / Weltverband der Arbeit / Confederación Mundial del Trabajo (1920-2006)
Archival history:According to a persistent story, in 1940 the archive was confiscated by the nazis and transported to Berlin, from where it was transferred to Moscow by Russian troops. The truth is that in 1933, the board of the IFCTU gave the order to destroy the archives due to a lack of space. Only the first report of the board survived. Altough the core of the archive was secured just in time in 1940, it is without doubt that many documents and in any case the library dissapeared in German trucks. To a certain extent, the gaps in the IFCTU/WCL archives can be filled by making use of the archives of a few key figures from the organization. The personal documents of the first president, the Swiss Joseph Scherrer, were for example incorporated in the archive of the Christlich-soziale Bewegung der Schweiz (Swiss Bundesarchiv Bern).
Acquisition:The first part was given to KADOC for conservation in 1993. The other parts were transferred in 1997, 1998 and 2006.

Information on content and structure

Content:The archive of the IFCTU/WCL deposited at KADOC is a comprehensive whole that documents the origins (1920) as well als the end (2006) of the organization. The archives contain the reports and meeting documents of the congresses, the most important managment bodies (Bureau, Board of Directors, Executive Managment and Confederal Committee) and the diverse commissions. It also contains the central correspondence (from ca. 1965 onwards). In addition, it contains much information on the International Solidarity Fund (ISF) created by the WCL.
During the 1960's, the IFCTU/WCL also got regional- or continental substructures. The archive of the Latin-American structure (CLASC/CLAT) is located in Caracas (Venezuela). There are also many congress-files and working-files conserved in the archive of the IFCTU/WCL. Also on the African structure (OUSA/ODSTA) and the Asian structure (BATU), which were less autonomous, much documentation can be found in the IFCTU/WCL archive. The archive of the European Organization of the WCL (EO-IFCTU/WCL) is kept in KADOC as well.
The IFCTU/WCL archive also contains many interesting files (documentation and correspondence) concerning the national (Christian) trade unions in countries across the globe. The World Confederation also had contacts with diverse international trade union organizations such as FIOST, INFEDOP en EUROFEDOP. The WCL also had extensive contacts with the UN, UNESCO, UNCTAD, UNICEF and diverse global organizations. The files containing the contacts with the European institutions are also extensive.

Conditions of access and use

Access regulations:The archive is consultable with permission.
For permission to consult this archive, fill in a verzoekformulier.
Clearly note the numbers of the files/boxes from the inventory that you wish to consult.
Finding aid file:Placement list of the archive of the International Federation of Christian Trade Unions (IFCTU)/World Confederation of Labour (WCL)

Additional comments

Notes:WCL telephone list affiliated organizations (US, Europe, Asia) (1984-1987)
Travels, hotels, visa (1982)
AFL-CIO Diverse (US) (1964-1992)
Council of Europe Migrant Children (1974-1985)
Council of Europe Permanent Education (1974-1982)
Council of Europe Technique (1977-1980)
Council of Europe Primary education (1981-1985)
IAB Board of Directors (1978-1979); (1981)
IAB 3rd regionale European conference (1979)
UN diverse(1979)
CNUCED Reports (1983-1993)


Items:  maatschappelijk leven (Subjects\M)
  Vanistendael, August (1917-2003) (Persons\V)
  ACV / CSC (1912-heden) (Organizations\A)
  ontwikkelingssamenwerking (Subjects\O)
  vakbeweging (Subjects\V)
  vakbonden (Subjects\V)
  derdewereldbeweging (Subjects\D)
  internationale organisatievormen (Subjects\I)
  sociale wetgeving (Subjects\S)
  internationale samenwerking (Subjects\I)
  arbeidersbeweging (Subjects\A)
  christelijke arbeidersbeweging (Subjects\C)

Gerelateerde beschrijvingen

Gerelateerde beschrijvingen:gebruikt voor:
BE/942855/261 Archive European Organisation of the International Federation of Christian Trade Unions / World Confederation of Labour (EO-IFCTU / WCL), 1958-1974 (Archief)

zie ook:
BE/942855/1563 Archief Algemeen Christelijk Vakverbond - sector Metaal (ACV-Metaal), 1943-2008 (Deelarchief)

BE/942855/799 Archief August Cool (bewaargeving ACV), 1944-1968 (Archief)

BE/942855/929 Archief Dienst Internationale Betrekkingen van het Algemeen Christelijk Vakverbond (ACV), 1977-1996 (Deelarchief)

BE/942855/704 Archief August Vanistendael, 1950-1996 (Archief)

BE/942855/754 Archief Wereldfederatie voor de Metaalindustrie (WFM), 1946-1983 (Archief)

BE/942855/704 Archive August Vanistendael, 1950-1996 (Archief)


Toestemming vereist:Bewaargever / archiefvormer
Raadpleegbaarheid:Without restrictions

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